Saturday, December 3, 2011

momotaro + blue in green 0705BIG denim

"We've just received a new shipment of our Momotaro 0705BIG collaboration jeans. A few years ago before we starting carrying the Momotaro brand we were asked for input on designing a new slim fitting silhouette for their "Going to Battle" Label which they later debuted in Japan as the style 0705SP. Momotaro's heavyweight 6x6 sanforized selvage denim was used on the 0705SP, and is only sold as a one wash jean, laundered with a special process using sea water from the coast of Okayama city. The 0705SP also feature Momotaro's "Battle Stripes" painted on the right rear pocket and Pink color inseam stitching to symbolize the peach from which the young Momotaro sprang in the famous story of their brand's namesake.

When deciding on an idea for a collaboration model with Momotaro we thought it was only fitting that we use this slim 0705 silhouette along with some minor detail changes. So for those who prefer the subtle detailing of Momotaro's Copper Label offerings as seen with the 0701 and 0201 styles but the slimmer fit of the 0705SP we present the 0705BIG"

1 comment:

  1. Looking awesome, It's too fashionable. Momotaro Jeans wash trouser is a comfortable pair of jeans that sits slightly lower on the waist to stretch out the look of your torso, it comes in a nice medium blue shade.
